Saturday, June 9, 2012

Vampirism is good for you

I am back, having ingested a pint of AB+ and another one of AB- blood. I am not sure whether is was riboflavin-flavoured, but it certainly was NOT carbonated. Minor rash around the injection side that is subsiding as I type this. No other detrimental effects. On the other hand, I am now rosy-cheeked (literally!), bushy-tailed, bright-eyed and with a freshly stiffened frontal member. I can move faster than a snail without panting for air, and my lungs are no longer burning after 10 steps. Also, actually thinking and reading does not automatically make me drowsy. All in all, a good bargain, I suppose. But it took a goddamn long time, will probably cost me the rest of my yearly deductible and will last for 10 days at most. I hope that my hemoglobin rebounds at least a little bit by then: I don't really want to be spending most of every other Saturday at the outpatient transfusion center (which is now located in the cancer center) for the next two months. On the other hand, the nurses confirmed what I already suspected: I am fucking tough. They say that many other people have side-effects worse than mine (including anemia) and that most people with my hemoglobin levels would be whining and demanding a wheelchair rather than hoofing 2 miles to work and back daily. So yes, though I walk through the valley of death, I have no fear because I am the toughest meanest motherfucker in the whole damned valley! Hurrah! :D

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