Saturday, June 2, 2012

Interesting rash detail

Although the incivek rash is almost gone after two weeks, little traces of it (occasionally itchy) still persist in the spots on my body where it first appeared. Apparently, almost everyone gets it there. Mine are oval spots, about 3x1 inches, along the upper side of the elbow: apparently where the extensor tendon is. It is so weird that that particular spot is specifically affected and that it happens with everyone. Fascinating: what is the physiology of it? Why that particular spot and that particular tendon (assuming it is the tendon) out of so many other possibilities? Fucking mystery of the human body; the etiology of the rash is, as I have said, unknown. Makes me want to study, erm, relevant subjects. :) And potentially figure out which part of the incivek biochemistry causes it...

Also, once more, belabouring the point somewhat: I am so fucking glad to be done with incivek. It did its bloody job beautifully, and I would, at this point, certainly recommend it to anyone, but egads! it is an awful poison, and the last two weeks were the absolute worst. I am the shit, however: didn't even miss a day of work! Hah!

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