Curiouser and curiouser: medications boost my blood pressure a bit, I presume. So the disgusting staph infection on my septum opens up and bleeds about 1.5 hours after I drop the pills. Thought you'd be interested; at least I am going to see a doctor tomorrow to take care of that.
For anyone considering this treatment, keep it in mind: these medications act as immunosuppressants, making one much more susceptible to all sorts of bacterial infections. One learns to pay close attention to any cuts and scrapes, and starts washing one's hands with warm water and soap 12 times a day...:)
In any case, being a biohazard, particular attention must be paid to cuts and scrapes anyway: bleeding on something is essentially leaving a little virological bomb that will be active for several days. Anti-viral wipes come in handy. With my recent nosebleeds I have learned and refined basic cleanup techniques, like forensic methodology.
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