Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 2

So far, so good. The experiences I can attribute to possible side effects are: brief trembling of hands, transient moments of mild nausea, and a bit of spaciness. An occasional feeling like a incipient anxiety attack. Of course, all of those could be psychosomatic. However, the working hypothesis so far is that ribavarin is responsible for most of them. Nothing bad follows 1AM, when I only have to take telaprivir, but the 9AM and 5PM pilly times are associated with these weird feelings. More data needed! :)


  1. do you think the side effects will be more frequent and intense over time as you have more in your system?

  2. Thta remains to be seen. I think I am running a bit of a low-grade fever as well, but the bloody thermometer is broken and I'll have to get a new one on the way to work today! Meh...:)

  3. Hi, I'm sorry to hear you have this. I hope your treatment goes well and I'll be reading your blog along the way. I miss you and wish you still lived in the bay area. It's not easy finding like minded people to talk with. Layneeeee
